This object represents a single instance of a family type, such as a single I beam.
(in RevitAPI.dll) Version: 2015.0.0.0 (2015.0.0.0)
Examples of FamilyInstance objects within Autodesk Revit are Beams, Columns,
Braces and Desks. The FamilyInstance object provides more detailed properties that
enable the type of the family instance to be changed, thus changing their appearance
within the project.

public void GetInfo_FamilyInstance(FamilyInstance familyInstance)
string message = "FamilyInstance : ";
// Get FamilyInstance AnalyticalModel type
if (null != familyInstance.GetAnalyticalModel())
message += "\nFamilyInstance AnalyticalModel is : " + familyInstance.GetAnalyticalModel();
// Get FamilyInstance host name
if (familyInstance.Host != null)
message += "\nFamilyInstance host name is : " + familyInstance.Host.Name;
foreach (ElementId materialId in familyInstance.GetMaterialIds(false))
Material material = familyInstance.Document.GetElement(materialId) as Material;
message += "\nFamilyInstance e material : " + material.Name;
// Get FamilyInstance room name
if (familyInstance.Room != null)
message += "\nFamilyInstance room name is : " + familyInstance.Room.Name;
// Get FamilyInstance structural type
message += "\nFamilyInstance structural type is : " + familyInstance.StructuralType;
// Get FamilyInstance structural usage
message += "\nFamilyInstance structural usage is : " + familyInstance.StructuralUsage;

Public Sub GetInfo_FamilyInstance(familyInstance As FamilyInstance)
Dim message As String = "FamilyInstance : "
' Get FamilyInstance AnalyticalModel type
If familyInstance.GetAnalyticalModel() IsNot Nothing Then
message += vbLf & "FamilyInstance AnalyticalModel is : " & familyInstance.GetAnalyticalModel().ToString()
End If
' Get FamilyInstance host name
If familyInstance.Host IsNot Nothing Then
message += vbLf & "FamilyInstance host name is : " & Convert.ToString(familyInstance.Host.Name)
End If
For Each materialId As ElementId In familyInstance.GetMaterialIds(False)
Dim material As Material = TryCast(familyInstance.Document.GetElement(materialId), Material)
message += vbLf & "FamilyInstance e material : " + material.Name
' Get FamilyInstance room name
If familyInstance.Room IsNot Nothing Then
message += vbLf & "FamilyInstance room name is : " & Convert.ToString(familyInstance.Room.Name)
End If
' Get FamilyInstance structural type
message += vbLf & "FamilyInstance structural type is : " & Convert.ToString(familyInstance.StructuralType)
' Get FamilyInstance structural usage
message += vbLf & "FamilyInstance structural usage is : " & Convert.ToString(familyInstance.StructuralUsage)
TaskDialog.Show("Revit", message)
End Sub
Inheritance Hierarchy
Autodesk.Revit.DB Element
Autodesk.Revit.DB Instance
Autodesk.Revit.DB FamilyInstance
Autodesk.Revit.DB AnnotationSymbol
Autodesk.Revit.DB Mullion
Autodesk.Revit.DB Panel
Autodesk.Revit.DB Element
Autodesk.Revit.DB Instance
Autodesk.Revit.DB FamilyInstance
Autodesk.Revit.DB AnnotationSymbol
Autodesk.Revit.DB Mullion
Autodesk.Revit.DB Panel