AnalyticalModel Methods

The AnalyticalModel type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method Approximate
Switches between non-approximated (e.g., Curved) Analytical Models and approximated (made up of lines only) Analytical Models
Public method ArePhasesModifiable
Returns true if the properties CreatedPhaseId and DemolishedPhaseId can be modified for this Element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method CanApproximate
Indicates if Analytical Model can be approximated or not.
Public method CanBeHidden
Indicates if the element can be hidden in the view.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method CanBeLocked
Identifies if the element can be locked.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method CanDisableAutoDetect
Indicates if Analytical Auto-detect can be disabled programmatically
Public method CanHaveAnalyticalModel
Indicates whether the Element can have an Analytical Model.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method CanHaveRigidLinks
Indicates if Analytical Model supports Rigid Links.
Public method CanHaveTypeAssigned
Identifies if the element can have a type assigned.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method CanUseHardPoints
Indicates if Analytical Model can use Hard Points.
Public method ChangeTypeId(ElementId)
Changes the type of the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method CloneAdjustment
The method clones the adjustment of one end of the AM on another AM, with respect to the one of the ends. One of the Analytical Model ends
Public method DeleteEntity
Deletes the existing entity created by %schema% in the element
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method Disconnect
Unjoin from Hub Element.
Public method Dispose (Inherited from Element .)
Public method Enable
Enables or disables Analytical Model, if the Element allows a one-operation Analytical Model toggle.
Public method EnableAutoDetect
Enable or disable Analytical Auto-detect.
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetAnalyticalModel
Retrieves writeable Analytical Model for Element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetAnalyticalModelId
Retrieves the Element Id of the Analytical Model Element for this Element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetAnalyticalModelSketchComponents
Retrieves a collection of AnalyticalModelSketchComponent objects, which are useful for those Analytical Models that have finer calibration below the Element level.
Public method GetAnalyticalModelSupports
Retrieves the AnalyticalModelSupport array, which is useful to extract Analytical Support Information from Elements.
Public method GetAnalyzeAs
Returns value of Analyze As parameter for Analytical Model.
Public method GetApproximationDeviation
Retrieves amount by which approximation is made.
Public method GetAutoDetectMatchedElements
Retrieves other Element Ids that this Element is Auto-detecting against.
Public method GetCurve
Returns the single curve of the Analytical Model, if it is only one curve.
Public method GetCurves
Retrieves all curves for the Analytical Model of a given type.
Public method GetElementId
Retrieves Element Id of the structural element corresponding to the Analytical Model.
Public method GetEntity
Returns the existing entity corresponding to the Schema if it has been saved in the Element, or an invalid entity otherwise.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetEntitySchemaGuids
Returns the Schema guids of any Entities stored in this element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetExternalFileReference
Gets information pertaining to the external file referenced by the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetExternalResourceReference
Gets the ExternalResourceReference associated with a specified external resource type.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetExternalResourceReferences
Gets the full map of the external resource references referenced by the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetGeneratingElementIds
Returns the ids of the element(s) that generated the input geometry object.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetGeometryObjectFromReference
Retrieve one geometric primitive contained in the element given a reference.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetLocalCoordinateSystem
Gets the local coordinate system (LCS) for an analytical model element.
Public method GetManualAdjustmentMatchedElements
Retrieves other Element Ids against which the Analytical Model has been adjusted.
Public method GetMaterialArea
Gets the area of the material with the given id.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetMaterialIds
Gets the element ids of all materials present in the element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetMaterialVolume
Gets the volume of the material with the given id.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetMonitoredLinkElementIds
Provides the link instance IDs when the element is monitoring.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetMonitoredLocalElementIds
Provides the local element IDs when the element is monitoring.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetOffset
Gets the offset of the analytical model at end.
Public method GetOrderedParameters
Gets the parameters associated to the element in order.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetParameterFormatOptions
Returns a FormatOptions override for the element Parameter, or a default FormatOptions if no override exists.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetParameters
Retrieves the parameters from the element via the given name.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetPhaseStatus
Gets the status of a given element in the input phase
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetPoint
Retrieves point of the Analytical Model.
Public method GetReference
Returns a reference to a given curve within the analytical model.
Public method GetRigidLink
Returns rigid link curve corresponding to selector.
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetTypeId
Returns the identifier of this element's type.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method GetValidTypes
Obtains a set of types that are valid for this element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method HasDeletedLinks
Indicates if Analytical Model contains deleted Analytical Links.
Public method HasPhases
Returns true if this Element has the properties CreatedPhaseId and DemolishedPhaseId.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method HasRigidLinksWith
Indicates if Analytical Model has Rigid Links with specified element.
Public method IsAnalyzeAsValid
Determines if the given Analyze As parameter is valid for this Element.
Public method IsApproximated
Indicates if Analytical Model is approximated or not.
Public method IsAutoDetectEnabled
Reports if Analytical Auto-detect for the given direction is enabled.
Public method IsElementFullySupported
Indicates if Analytical Model is fully supported.
Public method IsEnabled
Reports whether the Analytical Model is enabled or disabled.
Public method IsExternalFileReference
Determines whether this Element represents an external file.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method IsHidden
Identifies if the element has been permanently hidden in the view.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method IsManuallyAdjusted
Indicates if the Analytical Model has been manually adjusted by the user.
Public method IsModified
Checks if AM has been adjusted from auto-detect at any end.
Public method IsMonitoringLinkElement
Indicate whether an element is monitoring any elements in any linked models.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method IsMonitoringLocalElement
Indicate whether an element is monitoring other local elements.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method IsPhaseCreatedValid
Returns true if createdPhaseId is an allowed value for the property CreatedPhaseId in this Element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method IsPhaseDemolishedValid
Returns true if demolishedPhaseId is an allowed value for the property DemolishedPhaseId in this Element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method IsSingleCurve
Indicates if the Analytical Model can be expressed as a single curve.
Public method IsSinglePoint
Indicates if the Analytical Model can be expressed as a single point.
Public method IsValidDirectionForAutoDetect
Tests if the supplied direction is valid for Analytical Auto-detect.
Public method IsValidForManualAdjustment
Indicates if the identified reference is acceptable for Manual Analytical Adjustment.
Public method IsValidManualAdjustmentSource
Indicates if the identified reference is acceptable as a source for Manual Analytical Adjustment.
Public method IsValidManualAdjustmentTarget
Indicates if reference is acceptable as a "Target" for Manual Analytical Adjustment.
Public method IsValidRigidLinksOption
Indicates if Rigid Links option is valid for the Analytical Model.
Public method IsValidSelector
Indicates if the input selector is valid for the Analytical Model.
Public method IsValidType(ElementId)
Checks if given type is valid for this element.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method LookupParameter
Attempts to find a parameter on the element which has the given name.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method ManuallyAdjust
Perform Manual Analytical Adjustment on analytical model, with respect to another Element
Public method RefersToExternalResourceReference
Determines whether this Element uses external resources associated with a specified external resource type.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method RefersToExternalResourceReferences
Determines whether this Element uses external resources.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method ResetLinks
The function is trying to recreate analytical link elements that were deleted by the user.
Public method ResetManualAdjustment
Resets all manual adjustments performed by the user onto the Analytical Model.
Public method SetAnalyzeAs
Sets value of Analyze As parameter for this Element.
Public method SetApproximationDeviation
Adjusts the amount by which approximation is made.
Public method SetEntity
Stores the entity in the element. If an Entity described by the same Schema already exists, it is overwritten.
(Inherited from Element .)
Public method SetOffset
Sets the offset of the analytical model at end.
Public method SetUsesHardPoints
Sets Hard Points for the Analytical Model.
Public method SupportsManualAdjustment
Indicates if the Element supports Manual Analytical Adjustment.
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method UsesHardPoints
Indicates if the Analytical Model is using Hard Points during approximation.

See Also